EMI Receiver Mode
Frequency range:lkHz-300MHz/2GHz/3.6GHz
Compliant with CISPRl6-1-1 standards, featuring CISPR.AVG, CISPR-RMS, and QPK detectors
Dual system mode: A combination of EMl receiver and spectrum analyzer
Fully digital detectors, ensuring reliability and stability
Multi Standards(GJB/GB/EN/FCC) meets both civilian EMC measurement standards
Built-in pre-amplifier providing enhanced sensitivity
Integrated network parameters measurement (tracking source)
Configurable EMC measurement soflware to set up test systems, generating standard test reports
A variety of test accessories for different applications and measurements
Compaet all-metal construction, ofering superior shielding and EMC performance
Speetrum Analyzer Mode
Frequency range:1kHz-3.6GHz
Noise Level:<.160dBm
Spectrogram, Frequency Counting, AM/FM Demodulation
Network parameters measurement (tracking source)